Bear Island - Noughty Bear IPA

Bear Island is a brand of the Kent brewer Shepherd Neame. Established in 1698, it is Britain's oldest brewery and its latest, very much modern, beer is this 0.5 % ABV India Pale Ale. The 330 ml bottle releases a beer whose ingredients include Challenger, Amarillo, Cascade and Citra hops. As expected, the aroma is a very strong combination of tropical and citrus fruits. As well as these fruits, the taste has a modicum of pine and brown sugar notes. After such a powerful aroma the mouthfeel is disappointing - thin and watery but at least with a nicely moderate carbonation level. The finish is slightly bitter but quite short in duration. Noughty Bear is a light and pleasant brew but in a crowded market of this style, it lacks the body and character of the better ones. 

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