Mikkeller - Flemish Primitive Ale with Yuzu

This is one from the Mikkeller brewery Limbo Series and it contains yuzu fruit juice, together with the expected barley malt, hops and Mikkeller's own strain of yeast. So I was quietly confident here because although I find Mikkeller's beers to be rather hit and miss, one of my favourite beers contains yuzu fruit. The can releases a cloudy yellow beer with a modest head that soon flattens to virtually nothing. The aroma is decidedly grapefruity. When you sip it there is a strong mix of yuzu, grapefruit, lemon and orange). The mouthfeel is way too fizzy for my liking and it has a thin body. The sharpness persists to the aftertaste, it's almost acidic. Now call me an unreconstructed reactionary, but if I was given this to drink in ignorance, I would describe it as a citrus fruit spritzer. 
