Pohjala Tundra IPA

Pohjala is an Estonian brewery, one that mainly brews alcoholic beers (eg a spiced porter at 14% !). Tundra is brewed with spruce tips. Apparently the brewery has a penchant for using ingredients gleaned from Estonian forests. This IPA has a somewhat lower ABV, being a very civilised 0.5%. Oats and lactose are also used in the ingredients. The beer is quite cloudy and the head doesn't hang around for too long. On the nose Tundra has a vibrant, fresh aroma. Tastewise there's plenty of grapefruit, lime, and yes, pine notes. The sharpness is slightly softened with a buttery roundness. The body is a touch on the light side. All in all, Tundra ticks all the boxes for a crisp pale ale. I wonder what else they might find in the forests?
