To Ol - Under the Radar

Another "gypsy" or "cuckoo" brewery that uses other breweries for their, er, brews. The company is Danish (now ten years old and producing more than two hundred beers in a dozen different styles) and uses De Proefbrouwerij in Belgium to create this low alcohol "farmhouse" ale. Taking DIY to new levels, the yeast has been cultivated from a pear tree in the owner's parents' garden. The other ingredients include barley malt and wheat, presumably not from the same garden. The straw coloured, foamy ale has the pungent aroma that one expects from the saison style - all yeasty and tarty. The tastes are of apple, pear (naturally!) and lemon, with a soft and gentle mouthfeel. The aftertaste is a little too sour and sharp. It is a refreshing, characterful beer but maybe needs the acidity toning down a little.
