Hammerton - Zed pale ale

Hammerton is a London-based brewery and Zed is their shot at a 0.5% ABV pale ale. The colourful 330ml can offers up a very pale yellow brew with a thin white head that doesn't hang around for too long. The aroma is just what you would expect from a beer that utilises Citra, Amarillo and Columbus hops - plenty of citrus, especially grapefruit. It's rather thin and gassy in the mouthfeel department but has a crisp finish. The taste is unfortunately one-dimensional - grapefruit and little else. Overall Zed is quite refreshing but a little harsh in character. Given the range of beers Hammerton produce I would have preferred a more interesting concoction, maybe an AF version of their peanut butter milk stout....rather than another generic grapefruity pale ale.
