Mash Gang - Chug Gold XPA

Chug Gold comes in a 440ml can, is 0.5% ABV and is vegan. Eldorado and Nelson Sauvin T90 are the hops that find their way into the ingredients together with rye, wheat, oats and a touch of chili. In the glass the beer is virtually opaque, whilst the frothy head soon dissipates. There is a powerful aroma, mostly of pineapple and this follows through to the tropical fruits taste - one also finds mango and grapefruit in there. It's certainly a juicy drink! The body is smooth and there is little carbonation. With all that juiciness there is not much bitterness - the finish is sweet albeit with a hint of the chili as it goes down. An extra pale ale all the way down the chug.

3 / 5